JULY 2014:
Transitioning to a new class or school in September? Why an Individual Green Zone is important. It is that time of year! As we all know, transitions (even small ones) can e a nightmare for individuals with ASD. Those who work with them are often not as good as they should be in sharing all that information about essential strategies and resources which have been carefully put into place over the past year. If these were in place right from the start of a new placement, then transitions might not be so stressful for all concerned. THIS IS WHERE THE 5P APPROACH INDIVIDUAL GREEN ZONE AND “WORKING WITH ME” PACK COMES IN. The 5P Approach “Working with Me” pack, which includes the Individual Green Zone, provides all the information needed to ensure a smoother transition in a user friendly pack. For the individual with ASD this means they will transfer to an environment and approach that is familiar and, of course, tailor made. For the adults working with them it provides a comprehensive plan which can be put into place right from the start What is a GREEN Zone? Prevention & good practice is at the heart of the 5P Approach philosophy. The 5P Approach therefore looks at how schools, organisations and families can create good foundations or “Green Zones” designed specifically to meet the needs of individuals with ASD and to prevent behaviour issues from arising. Although there are some general principles and strategies we can all use at Green, the 5P Approach advocates personalised intervention strategies (set out in the individual Green Zone). The Individual Green Zone is at the heart of the 5P Approach ”Working with Me” pack . The pack forms the working document which ensures that the individual continues to move forward and make progress. The adults working with the individual make changes as they get to know the individual and as progress is made. The 5P Approach “Working with Me” pack comprises:-
What does an Individual Green Zone look like? This is a written plan which sets out the type of environment, all the strategies and resources the individual needs in order to reduce anxiety, increase engagement and to make progress. Establishing and maintaining the Green Zone also serves to prevent / reduce behaviour issues. An Individual Green Zone sets out theenvironment (visual, physical, sensory, and social) which best suits the individual. It outlines communicationstrategies and resources (what the individual needs to communicate and how the adults should communicate with them). The Individual Green Zone also includes the autism specific approaches and strategies such as the use of PECS, Social stories, Intensive interaction etc. which suit the individual and the more general approaches which work with the individual’s learning style. Lastly the Individual Green Zone records all the day to day behaviour management strategies which are known to be successful in reducing anxiety and preventing behaviour issues from arising e.g. having regular sensory breaks, using a waiting bag, supporting transitions with a “this-then” card etc. How is an Individual Green Zone put together? The Individual Green Zone is a working document which is expanded and revised as new situations arise and as progress is made. Setting up the Individual Green Zone begins by knowing and understanding the individual ( using the 5P Profile), what they need and what works. This includes gathering information from all who know the individual and, of course, from the individuals themselves. How does it work? The Individual Green Zone forms the “blueprint” for creating the optimum environment to meet the individual’s needs and prevent anxiety and behaviour issues from arising. The elements of the Individual Green Zone form the building blocks with consistency and joined up working, promoted through use of the 5P Approach, acting as the “cement”. Thus the Individual Green Zone creates a secure and firm foundation upon which the individual can move forwards and make progress (the 5P Approach does not advocate that you create a Green “bunker” and sit there forever!). What happens if behaviour issues arise? (because they nearly always do!) The 5P Approach sets out a problem-solving framework which looks at the function of behaviour issues (RED) which arise and how to plan to reduce them. The 5P Approach Intervention Hierarchy is used to set out GREEN, AMBER (for “bubbling” behaviour ) & RED strategies for a focus RED priority behaviour and is devised using the 5P Approach problem-solving framework. As the individual makes progress, the Red behaviour diminishes and the individual remains mainly at Green or occasionally at Amber. The Green and Amber strategies of the Intervention Hierarchy are then placed into the Individual Green Zone (which grows and expands) and, if needed, a new behaviour becomes the focus of the Intervention Hierarchy. Sharing information for transition Now is the time to ensure that the Individual Green Zone and “Working with Me” pack is up to date and to share it with parents, teachers & schools. If you would like to know more about the 5P Approach check out the information on the 5P website If you would like more information about the 5P Approach “Working with Me” pack and Individual Green Zone, including an example and copy of the template, CONTACT Linda via the 5P Website.You can download some of the other 5P records sheets direct from the website.
Linda Miller
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