Involving the individual
How is the individual involved in the 5P process?
The 5P Approach philosophy and framework promotes the involvement of the individual as far as possible in all stages of the process (i.e. from Profile to Problem-solving & Planning). The level and type of involvement will of course vary according to the individual concerned but the aim should always be to involve the individual as much as possible and to make sure that they are informed of the content even where the individual may not initially be ready for active involvement in the process. Where this is the case, the aim should also be to support the individual to develop the understanding and skills they need to become involved more fully ( i.e. to develop their independence and their ability to be involved in decision making).
Linda's second book, "Developing Flexibility Skills in Children & Teens with Autism - the 5P Approach to Thinking, Learning & Behaviour" contains two assessment tools directly related to supporting the individual to develop the skills they need to express their views; The 5P Approach "Expressing Views" Assessment and the 5P Approach Assessment of Self-Knowledge. Resources such as the 5P Profile Grid for Individuals and the 5P Approach Expressing Views Mind Maps are useful tools for the individual to use as part of the Profile process. For those who are not yet ready to express their views directly, the 5P Approach "Expressing Views and Feelings" sheet ( found in "Developing Flexibility Skills in Children & Teens with Autism - the 5P Approach to Thinking, Learning & Behaviour" ) can be used by supporting adults to record how the individual shows their thoughts and feelings.
The most recent addition to the 5P Approach resources is the "What my GREEN Zone looks like" sheet, designed to support the individual to play a role in planning their Individual GREEN Zone ensuring that their views are included within the "Working with Me" intervention pack. This pack can also be a useful resource in schools as an SEND Support Plan.
Involving the Individual in the planning stage & in managing their behaviour
Many schools and parents make use of the 5P Approach “My Traffic Light” resources which are used to inform the individual when they are at Green, Amber or Red (ALWAYS accompanied by describing the behaviour and what the individual has to do (i.e. you are at Green – well done (use reward), you are at Amber – take a break, you are at Red – stop, hands down etc). The coloured visual materials should always be used for this. To download a copy of the "My Traffic Lights" worksheet from Resources
PLEASE NOTE: Unlike some other systems which use traffic lights, the 5P Approach does not use traffic lights as a threat or warning system but uses them to help and support the individual to recognise and manage their own behaviour and emotions. In other words the 5P traffic lights are NOT used like this - "you are at Amber if you don't stop you'll go to Red and you know what that means!" BUT ARE used like this - "you are at Amber - you need to take a break etc"
Please Note: Although in the early stages, this process may be very adult led, from experience most individuals begin to recognise and understand the use of the colours (even those who might be described as having severe needs) and begin to use them independently. The most striking ( and useful) change is when children or young people begin to recognise if they are at “Amber” and independently use the Amber strategies (such as taking a break) and then bring themselves back to Green. It may seem to some that using the traffic light colours to indicate behaviour levels and the strategies individuals might use is not suitable for older, more able individuals. However experience has shown that this is a very popular and effective approach for this group. Older and more able individuals can help to make decisions on what behaviours might GREEN, AMBER & RED and what associated strategies might be - this can become an effective mechanism for supporting self-management. To download an example of how the My Traffic Lights worksheet can be used, follow the RESOURCES link
The 5P Approach philosophy and framework promotes the involvement of the individual as far as possible in all stages of the process (i.e. from Profile to Problem-solving & Planning). The level and type of involvement will of course vary according to the individual concerned but the aim should always be to involve the individual as much as possible and to make sure that they are informed of the content even where the individual may not initially be ready for active involvement in the process. Where this is the case, the aim should also be to support the individual to develop the understanding and skills they need to become involved more fully ( i.e. to develop their independence and their ability to be involved in decision making).
Linda's second book, "Developing Flexibility Skills in Children & Teens with Autism - the 5P Approach to Thinking, Learning & Behaviour" contains two assessment tools directly related to supporting the individual to develop the skills they need to express their views; The 5P Approach "Expressing Views" Assessment and the 5P Approach Assessment of Self-Knowledge. Resources such as the 5P Profile Grid for Individuals and the 5P Approach Expressing Views Mind Maps are useful tools for the individual to use as part of the Profile process. For those who are not yet ready to express their views directly, the 5P Approach "Expressing Views and Feelings" sheet ( found in "Developing Flexibility Skills in Children & Teens with Autism - the 5P Approach to Thinking, Learning & Behaviour" ) can be used by supporting adults to record how the individual shows their thoughts and feelings.
The most recent addition to the 5P Approach resources is the "What my GREEN Zone looks like" sheet, designed to support the individual to play a role in planning their Individual GREEN Zone ensuring that their views are included within the "Working with Me" intervention pack. This pack can also be a useful resource in schools as an SEND Support Plan.
Involving the Individual in the planning stage & in managing their behaviour
Many schools and parents make use of the 5P Approach “My Traffic Light” resources which are used to inform the individual when they are at Green, Amber or Red (ALWAYS accompanied by describing the behaviour and what the individual has to do (i.e. you are at Green – well done (use reward), you are at Amber – take a break, you are at Red – stop, hands down etc). The coloured visual materials should always be used for this. To download a copy of the "My Traffic Lights" worksheet from Resources
PLEASE NOTE: Unlike some other systems which use traffic lights, the 5P Approach does not use traffic lights as a threat or warning system but uses them to help and support the individual to recognise and manage their own behaviour and emotions. In other words the 5P traffic lights are NOT used like this - "you are at Amber if you don't stop you'll go to Red and you know what that means!" BUT ARE used like this - "you are at Amber - you need to take a break etc"
Please Note: Although in the early stages, this process may be very adult led, from experience most individuals begin to recognise and understand the use of the colours (even those who might be described as having severe needs) and begin to use them independently. The most striking ( and useful) change is when children or young people begin to recognise if they are at “Amber” and independently use the Amber strategies (such as taking a break) and then bring themselves back to Green. It may seem to some that using the traffic light colours to indicate behaviour levels and the strategies individuals might use is not suitable for older, more able individuals. However experience has shown that this is a very popular and effective approach for this group. Older and more able individuals can help to make decisions on what behaviours might GREEN, AMBER & RED and what associated strategies might be - this can become an effective mechanism for supporting self-management. To download an example of how the My Traffic Lights worksheet can be used, follow the RESOURCES link